This site is dedicated to, well, visual novel oddities! Anything could be an oddity, magazines, fan-games, merch even! There's also some other
visual novel related things like recommedations and reviews from yours truly! This website, as a whole, is meant to show appreciation to one
of my favorite, lesser talked about mediums! As you can see, I really like Clannad! It's my favorite visual novel but I won't say too much here.
Check out the Clannad Corner for my thoughts and other goodies. Speaking of, how about I introduce you to the different pages on this
goofy little website!
Before we get into a description of each corner of this website I'd like to tell you why I named them "corners" in the first place. I always
thought the idea of having my own corner of the internet was super neat and so I named each topic of this website after that! I guess I
never did say what a "corner" in the terms of this website is, sorry ^-^. They're very simple though, basically just a place for a specific
topic related to visual novels! So lets get to what topics this website has shall we!
Clannad Corner
First up is the Clannad Corner! This is the place were I talk about the series Clannad! There you will find rewiews of each route of the visual
novel, the anime and even the theatrical film! There's also other neat things like fun facts and, of course, obscure media. Hope to see you there!
vnds Corner
The vnds Corner is dedicated to the homebrew application vnds! It lets you play fan ports of visual novels on the Nintendo DS, PSP and
even Android! You'll find general information along with a step by step guide on how to get vnds up and running. There's even some stuff
on lesser known GBA and DS visual novels!
M 'n M Corner
M n' M does not stand for the sweet candy! It stands for merchandise and magazines, so that's exactly what you'll find there! I really get
a kick out of weird plushies and figures of my favorite characters so I wanted to share that! I also find mentions of things I like in physical
print really neat, the more obscure the better!
Fan Corner
As the name suggests, the Fan Corner is for all things made by fans! Though mostly fan-games to be truthful. There's a lot of real odd things
there so it's one of my favorite places! I even go about ranking and telling you how to play the games that take a bit more work to get running.
I really hope you check it out!
Classics Corner
Classic visual novels is what this corner is all about! This mostly focuses on visual novels from the 80s and 90s, there's some interesting older
content! A lot of that older content does contain "adult moments", I don't show any images but I do talk about those moments. It's hard to talk
about some of these visual novels without mentioning stuff like that but I hope to see you there if you don't mind!
Manga Corner
Visual novels often get adapted into manga so that's what the Manga Corner is for! Since visual novels are typically non-linear I find it
very interesting how authors adapt those into linear stories. I also really like the short, humor based 4-komas!
Music Corner
I love music! So why not have a section of my website for it, right? I'm not a music mistro so I just talk about music I like from visual novels.
I also talk about some city pop and other non-visual novel music because I'd really like to share some neat tunes!
Odd Corner
Finally is the Odd Corner! This is kind of the catch-all place of the website that houses things that wouldn't fit into the other categories.
Of course this is named after the website itself and includes some odd things!